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Gerald Agranoff (1964)
Wayne Alpern (1965)
Ellen Bates (Bates-Brackett) (1965)
Sanford Bell (1964)
Maura Bluestone (1965)
Bonnie Cabot (Kaufman) (1964)
Raymond Deitch (1964)
Susan Elman (Ulintz) (1965)
Daniel Feld (1964)
Sarah Frank (1964)
Justin Friedland (Fri…) (1965)
Ingrid Goodman (Francis) (1964)
Andrea Gordon (Gershwin) (1964)
Phyllis Handelman (Tolchin) (1965)
John Harvith (1964)
Frederick Hudson (Hudson) (1964)
Babette Krolik (1965)
Norm Levin (1964)
Gail Maldaver (Parenteau) (1965)
Janet Mark (1964)
Maureen McLeod (1964)
Howard Miller (1964)
Judith Monson (1965)
Nancy Morains (1965)
Michael Parnos (1965)
Allan Ross (1964)
Miriam Rothenberg (1965)
Elaine Rubin (Siver) (1964)
Lynn Schavrien (Pell) (1964)
Steven Schwartz (1964)
Donna Sherman (Sims) (1965)
Carol Shwedel (Klien) (1965)
Bonita (Bonnie) Sobol (Lasky) (1964)
Jared Stamell (1964)
Lynn Thompson (1964)
Norman Trager (1965)
Peter Verby (1964)
Prudence Verby (1965)
Edye Wachler (1964)
David Weiner (1964)
Susan Werbe (1964)
Terry Wishnetsky (Edelstein) (1964)
Martha Wolfgang (Hutchings) (1964)