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Geraldine Allinson
Selwyn Alvey
Efrain Alvira-Benitez
Lucretia Amodeo
Gertrude Armstrong (Keller)
Robert Aronson
Joan Balson (Bradetich)
Mae Barnhart
Louise Beck
Mary Blinstrub
Jay Bodzin
Dorothy Bone
Charles Braun
Minnetti Breman
Marjorie Brenner
Virginia Brittenham (Edgell)
Ruth Brown
Charles Bryan
Norman Burkhart
Tadeusz Bury
Maxine Byrd
George Cairns
Millicent Campbell
Jeanette Caplan
Kay Capocci
Ralph Carter
Eunice Cauley
Donald Chandler
Naomi Christy
Lyle Clemons
Marcia Closson
Naomi Collins
Edith Cooper
Lois Craig
Mildred Crawford (Kerschen)
Joseph Curran
Michael Curtis
Floyd Dain
Sheldon Decker
Raymond DeVleeschouwer
John Donelson
Roberta Dye
Grace Engel
Robert Erickson
Sheldon Eskow
Rose Estrin
Walter Farber
Georgina Fenton
Verna Flanders
Odile Floyd
Ellen Foster
Jane Galantowicz
Edna Garruder (Korczynski)
James Gilchrist
Winifred Glass
Irving Goldman
Aaron Gornbein
Lenore Grabowsky
Loretta Grant
Roxanne Greenberg
Walter Grigoras
Max Gross
Harod Grove
Eugene Hancock
Ruth Hirt (Waldfogel)
Mildred Hodgen
Margaret Hoffman
Vaughn Hoogasian
Dorothy Hughes
Maxwell Hutchinson
Clifford (Cj) Jaaski
Anne Jacobstein
Charles Kaufman
Jim Kelley
Marion Kelly
Dan Kelsten
Joseph Kertesz
Sophie Kloss
Bea Koenigsberg
Ted Korczynski
Phyllis Korn
Edith Kovach
Winifried Krammerer
Ed Kroll
Freda Landen
Gloria LaPontney
Ed Levin
Clifton Lewis
Edith Linderman
Sonya Linsner (Seckler)
Ralph Loeffler
Lester H. London
Laura Luhr
Carol Lum
John Madonna
James Marshall
Jeannine Martaine (Giglio)
Doris Mason
Earl Matthews
John McDaid
Donald McNair
Grace McPherson
John Meng
Christine Michaels
Margaret Middleton
Calvin Moore
Jane Morris
Dorothy Morrison
Ray Mroch
Stanley Mullin
Dalia Navasaitas
Arvo Nordlund
Carol Nowling
Stanley Ormsby
Hortense O'Shea
Irving Panush
Dorothy Pastor
Marie Pauli
Clarice Percox
Earl Phillips
Daniel Piesko
Stephen Pobutsky
Zelda Pollinger
Percy Pray
Priscilla Radlow
Marjorie Reas
David Rieven
Edith Riggs
Charles Rosenblatt
Billy Roy
Sylvia Rozian
Dora Rubenstein
Michael Saporsky
Virginia Schmoll (Ward)
Doris Schnell
Paul Schoof
Janet Schubert
Jack Shelby
Manuel Simon
Leona Skagerberg
Norval Slobin
Helen Sloney
Joe Soltesz
Helen Stewart
Raymond Stiles
John Strandberg
Alfred Strepek
Jonathan Swift
Eugene Tarrant
Herbert Timmons
Olympia Todor
Nick Toyeas
Alice Tucker
Doris Ilene Utter
Monique Wagner
Marion Wanless
Ralph Weaver
Marie Webster
Geraldine Wolfe
Thomas (Td) Wolff
Lavinia Wood
Herbert Wright
Linda Zimmerman
Ann Zirulnik
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