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•   Lewis Flashenberg (1965)  7/23
•   Samuel Rooks (1964)  7/22
•   Ronald Levy (1964)  7/21
•   Gary Meklir (1964)  7/18
•   Howard Babcock (1965)  7/17
•   Paul Marion (Marion) (1964)  7/16
•   Simon Wellner (1965)  7/15
•   Karen Berry (Walker) (1964)  7/10
•   Barbara Cohn (Milin) (1964)  7/6
•   Gail Kaye (1964)  6/28
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
46 live in Arizona
150 live in California
21 live in Colorado
6 live in Connecticut
1 lives in Delaware
7 live in District Of Columbia
119 live in Florida
10 live in Georgia
32 live in Illinois
4 live in Indiana
4 live in Iowa
2 live in Kansas
1 lives in Kentucky
3 live in Louisiana
1 lives in Maine
19 live in Maryland
20 live in Massachusetts
754 live in Michigan
4 live in Minnesota
5 live in Missouri
1 lives in Nebraska
10 live in Nevada
1 lives in New Hampshire
7 live in New Jersey
4 live in New Mexico
42 live in New York
11 live in North Carolina
10 live in Ohio
9 live in Oregon
6 live in Pennsylvania
4 live in Rhode Island
5 live in South Carolina
3 live in Tennessee
14 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
1 lives in Vermont
14 live in Virginia
20 live in Washington
2 live in Wisconsin
2 live in British Columbia
12 live in Ontario
2 live in Quebec
1 lives in France
1 lives in Israel
1 lives in Mexico
1 lives in Netherlands
1 lives in South Africa
1 lives in Uruguay
302 location unknown
348 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Welcome to the Mumford High School Classes Of 1964 - 1965!


Can you believe in just 6 days

We will be celebrating 60 Years!!!


your tickets NOW - Click HERE

Saturday early evening July 27, 2024 - @5:30 pm

Somerset Inn - Troy, Michigan!!!!!!!

And if you are a DIE HARD GOLFER ... join your friends to play a round (18 holes with Cart) on Saturday Morning at Pine Trace Golf - Click HERE to purchase a round of golf

If you are mailing a Check:

Mumford 1964-1965 60 Year Reunion

3345 Buckingham Trail

West Bloomfield, Michigan 48323

And don't forget to Update your profile and let us know if you are PLANNING to come (we hope so)!!!!!!

So exciting to gather once again

Kenny, Andrea, David, Gail and Benson


If in your travels you find a classmate or two please let us know by clicking on  Contact US and let us know who you have found!