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08/11/14 01:28 PM #61    


Maxine Humphrey (Adams) (1964)

Dear Ken,

God bless you and the entire Reunion Committee for a phenonomenal job of bringing together such a wonderful group of Baby Boomers and true Mumfordites to celebrate "us" then and now!

WE ARE INDEED the Mustangs! The Mighty Mighty MUSTANGS!

What a fantastic night from beginning to end. My husband says I was absolutely glowing with enthusiam and delight all night. Just to be there, wanting, willing and able to attend. I saw and spoke to so many many people and regret not circling to reconnect with more. We really should have had media coverage. I don't know another school anywhere that had that great a reunion turnout and so much harmony during our high school days in those historical times of change and discovery. 

My older brother, Larry Cooper graduated in 1962, I graduated in class of  64-65 and my brother Clarence Cooper in 1967 and Gary Cooper in 1969 (I think). Then my niece Cairis Cooper in 1994 and my son Hollie G Peek III in 1998. We have an amazing family history at Mumford, but there was no class like ours.

Let's continue to maintain connections, update the book if you know the current info for the name and pictures shown there and look forward to coming together again s-o-o-n. I know I will. 

The connection feels like a physical "hum" of contact that I don't want to let go of.

Love and prayers,

Maxine Humphrey Adams

08/12/14 03:27 PM #62    


Nathaniel Carr (1964)

Hello Maxine:

I love your comments and your sentimentality from one of my favorite 60’s rebels and compassionate neighbor. Love and Light, Dr. Nate Carr, Lt Colonel, USAF, Retired.

08/19/14 11:41 AM #63    


Phillip Schostak (1964)

Dr Carr:

Do you remember when entering Mrs Zimmerman's American Lit. class that you would sit down, get up, and write on the side blackboard: "Nate Carr, track star!" (just before class would begin).

I cracked up evey time you did that!


08/20/14 01:12 AM #64    


Marilyn Siskind (Meyer) (1965)

Remembering Howard Franklin (1965)

I was preparing to write a belated tribute to fellow classmate, Howard Franklin, who passed away in about 1981, when I noticed that I could not locate his name in any of the lists.  Howie was a spirited Mustang, a gifted student,a rubber-limbed dancer, and one of my closest friends.  We were Elias Brothers Big Boy dates, dancing buddies. Without him I would not have survived the calculus of Senior Math.   Our friendship continued  throughout college. at U of M.   Howie left to attend the University of Colorado, and I moved to Seattle to attend the U of W. 

I recall one incident in the summer of 1968, the summer I waitressed at Darby's on Seven Mile to pay for college.  I was sitting on my stoop, awaiting a "blind date", the nephew of  a Darby's customer.  My parents and a couple of neighbors were rubber-necking as well from the next door porch when a white Lincoln Continental coupe pulled up and parked.  But it wasn't my date; it was Howie.   'Be my blind date," I directed, and Howie closed his eyes, took my wrist and walked with hesitance across the same parking strip he'd known by heart since junior high.  The real blind date appeared twenty minutes later, a dud. 


08/20/14 06:20 PM #65    


Howard Finnk (1964)

I did not know that Howard Franklin had passed away at such a young age.  Thank you for telling your story.

08/21/14 10:49 AM #66    


Elson Haas (1965)

hi all,

anyone have contact info for Bonnie Berenbaum. wanted to say hello and the number in our book is disconnected. thanks, Elson Haas

08/24/14 04:45 PM #67    


Larry Lipsitz (Now Lipson) (1965)

Hey everyone. It has been a few weeks since I last posted here and I am glad to see that people are still using the site.  I have a question that maybe somebody can answer regarding the picture books that we ordered at the reunion from the Denning Company. I know that they are not expected to be sent out for another couple of weeks or so, but I wondered if someone who was not able to attend the reunion could order one.  

Earlier today, I was in contact with a classmate, Sara Tachman Robinson (1965) who could not attend and was interested in seeing current pictures of people.  I told her about the books that were on order and that when I got mine I would see what I could do about sending her some pictures via emial.  Can these books still be ordered? If anyone knows, please write me at:

Thank you,

Larry Lipson (formerly Lipsitz) -- 1965

09/01/14 12:25 PM #68    


Donna Rae Hirt (1964)

Thanks to all the 50th reunion attendees who gave me their fond memories of my mom Ruth Hirt's great beauty, teaching skills, and inspiration while  sharing  her vast knowledge regarding the study of English Literature and Language in her Mumford classes.  I relayed these messages of reverence and love to her in Santa Barbara, where at 93 she is comfortably situated in a wonderful assisted living "spa" with all the amenities one could wish for, including daily visits from my brother Dave Hirt (Mumford '62), and all of his kinder and grand kinder. She was incredulous that so many of you remember her so clearly and with such great admiration, affection and respect.  I told her she had changed the lives of so many people with her years of devoted teaching. She was really pleased and humbly grateful that after all these years she remains in your hearts and minds. 

And special thanks to the person who said I kind of look like her now ~ quite a compliment!  She most definitely inspired ME to be a teacher for the past 42 years, and provided the best possible example of this profession which we both deeply felt is a calling rather than a job.

09/02/14 02:39 PM #69    


Alison (Abby) Greenstone (Goldbaum) (1964)


I am so glad to learn that your Mother is living comfortably in California.  She was a wonderful teacher and she had a great disposition.  It was a pleasure to be in her class.


Abby Greenstone Goldbaum


09/02/14 03:06 PM #70    

Shirley Kunin (Stegman) (1964)

I, too, have the fondest memories of Mrs. Hirt.  So glad to hear she is well and enjoying her home and family in Santa Barbara!

Feeling sad that I couldn't be with all of you at the reunion....hopefully next time!

09/03/14 11:38 AM #71    


Jackie Krieger (Scott) (1964)

Donna, I was one of many who complimented your mother and I am so glad that she is doing well!

Best regards,


09/04/14 06:22 PM #72    


Ronald Lux (1964)

Donna, I was just in Santa Barbara a week ago. If your mom is up to visitors, PM me her information; I go up there once in a while.

As long as people are recalling memories, I remember the last time I saw your mother. It was a summer when we were in college and I was hanging out with Pianin and Parker. It was one of those, “What do you want to do?” “I don’t know, Marty, what do you want to do?” evenings. They suggested we go visit your mother, apparently something they occasionally did. I readily agreed; she really was one of my favorite teachers.

Then one of the P’s advised me, You know, Ronnie, she’s recently married (your dad died young, when we were in 3rd or 4th grade, right?) and her name is (if I’m way off, I apologize; it was over 40 years ago) Waltfogel (whatever it is, it was not as simple as “Hirt.”) I repeated the name, but somehow mangled it. I realized immediately that I had screwed up because the two P’s laughed; at our age, in that age, mocking other’s failures was what we did. Anyway, during the rest of the ride to your mother’s house I practiced her name silently, “Waltfogel, Waltfogel” with the earnestness of someone memorizing, “Hark is that a…”

When we got to her/your house, the two P’s preceded me and when your mother saw me, she said, with (I think) delight, “Ronnie, how nice to see you.” I immediately forgot my lessons and said, “Hi, Mrs. Hirt.” I had apparently left my best performance in rehearsal.



12/16/14 07:08 PM #73    


Jackie Krieger (Scott) (1964)

The reunion party book finally arrived!  At the bottom of page 28 is a photo without a title.  The 9 ladies in this picture represent the Mumford Reunion Dinner group.  We have been meeting about once a month since the 30 year reunion.   

12/17/14 01:24 PM #74    


Michael Goldstein (1965)


The only two curiculums that mattered to me while at Mumford were music and English.  I was lucky enough to have your mom twice for English classes.  She was the BEST TEACHER ever.  She really inspired me to continue my studies in English and language skills, especially writing.  Thanks to her guidance I continued my studies while in college, earning straight A's.  I miss her, but I am so glad to hear she is well and comfortable in California.  My older brother Rick (Gold)(Mumford - class of 61 or 62?) has lived in CA. since 1972.  I will let him know that Mrs. Hirt is alive and well.

Mike Goldstein

01/28/15 02:20 PM #75    


Harley Wattrick (1964)

Loved the "You're from Detroit...." would add:

  • Seeing Fred Wolf's Wondering Wigloo from WXYZ radio at various events and places in and around Greater Detroit.
  • Going to Vernor's Root Beer  Ginger Ale bottling plant on Woodward Ave. for the tours, with the Giant Gnome on the sign.
  • Taking the brewrey tour at Stroh's on Gratiot Ave.
  • Watching Milky the Clown for Twin Pines on TV.
  • Remember CKLW Channel 9's "Movies with Bill Kennedy", Mary Morgan's movies, Bobbing with Robin Seymour and of course Captain Jolly and Poopdeck Paul all before CKLW became CBET.
  • Visiting U of D's football stadium on McNichols after school to ride your bike up and down the stadium ramps. This is of course, before it got knocked down after U of D stopped playing football.
  • Riding the 2nd Ave bus to downtown (alone*) for Doctors and/or Dentist appointments at the David Whitney Building, movies at the Michigan Theater and of course shopping at Hudson's.


* It was a different era when we grew up. Would we even think of letting a young child take a bus that far by themselves to see a movie, go shopping or for Drs. appointments today?  Heck, we'd get arrested for child endangerment today, LOL!

01/29/15 11:02 AM #76    

Frances Wilner (1964)

Fantastic additions!

Of course, I remembered and loved every one of them!

Yes, I, too, took the bus downtown!

Those were the "good old days!"


01/30/15 08:53 PM #77    

Larry Warner (Halsey) (1965)

Vernor's made root beer? I thought they only made ginger ale. AND its the only ginger ale I would drink. I also didn't know CKLW changed to CBET. I must have moved away before it happened. As for what kids are allowed to do today versus when we were little, things have really changed (for the worse, in my opinion). I used to live near the intersection of Dexter and Davison and my parents would let me cross Davison to get to the Jewish Center playground by myself and I don't think I was even six yet. I couldn't have been seven because that's when we moved to Littlefield where I attended....ta da Vernor Elementary School. On special occations they served all of us Vernor's ginger ale.

01/31/15 09:13 AM #78    


Harley Wattrick (1964)

Opps! Sorry about the Root Beer statement. Yes, of course, I meant Ginger Ale, must have had a Senior moment.

01/31/15 10:35 AM #79    

Peggy Cooper (Skulsky) (1965)

We all have those senior moments, don't we?

01/31/15 02:26 PM #80    


James Staples (1965)


01/29/19 05:44 PM #81    


Kathleen Willis (Storchan) (1965)

So sad that the reunion is always mid-summer when a bunch of us are up north!


02/06/19 02:59 PM #82    

Dorene Weisberg (1964)

I'm also sad that this group is still holding events on Saturday nights in the summer time. No observant Jews can attend at that time. At our age, how many of us really have to fly home early Sunday morning because of work?

What's wrong with having a Sunday morning brunch instead? 

Dorene Weisberg


02/07/19 01:19 PM #83    


Kenneth Bertin (1964)

This has concerned me all along as well, Dorene. the weighing as to when to have the reunion has many factors. We originally had the reunion in November around Thanksgiving so that it was dark in the evening. That caused a problem as time went along because classmates had children to visit and preferred that to coming to the reunion. Also the weather started to turn inclement, which disrupted travel plans. Additionally, those travelling to Michigan from other States found it was easiest to trsvel home on Sunday, in order to be at work on Monday. Likewise traveling on Friday evening after work was preferred by many. There is never a perfect answer. The winter is always bad, because of weather or those living in Northern States travelling South for the Winter, the Summer presents other issues like those traveling up North. We have shifted to summer mostly because as we get older travel gets more difficult. I am sorry we cannot make it easier for all the classmates but when you are dealing with nearly 2000 people, you cannot satisfy all of them.


Ken Bertin

02/08/19 08:00 PM #84    

James Siefer (1965)

Well stated Ken as I have to travel across the country to visit.   Rather visit when it is 110 degrees here in AZ as oppsed to visit when it is 20 degrees in Detroit.  Weekends are really the only option for most of us.

02/09/19 12:14 PM #85    


Michael Goldstein (1965)

Was messaging with Steve Bennet recently about the band, Steve Rice (RIP) and Mr. Shelby.  Steve told me Steve (Rice) was in contact with Mr. Shelby in 2016, but since Steve's passing he had no contact info.  If anyone has contact info for Mr. Shelby (if he is still alive and well), I would appreciate it.  I haven't talked with him in many years, but would love to do so.  Thank you, all.

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